Poole Ju jitsu successfully had its first Junior black belt grading at the weekend with Sensei Walker travelling up to Bushido Ju Jitsu headquarters. The successful candidate has been training over the last four months purely on her black belt syllabus.
In the run up to the grading she trained four times a week with female instructor Sensei Karen Nuttall, who pushed the junior candidate each week. This showed during the grading, held under Professor Paul Geoghegan 9th Dan who commented that this was one of the best junior gradings he’s conducted. The judging panel, Sensei Phil Rhodes 7th Dan and Sensei Robert Hope 6th Dan also commented that it was a very good grading.
The Uki’s were Sensei Jay Jones 3rd Dan, Sensei Aaron Abidi 1st Dan, both Wings Bushido, and James Windell 1st Dan – Clone Bushido