FUN Score


To promote, identify and to review each lesson to improve the safety, enjoyment for the different students taking part in each class offered by Poole Ju jitsu.


  • To constantly learn and improve while promoting fun  and develop a positive relationship with their piers, friends and make better decisions.


1 hr 30mins class- 10 to 15min warm up, 5 to 10 mins breakfalls, Techniques 30/40min. 10/20 min Randori/sparring/ground fighting, cool down. Games to finish. (Water breaks every 10/20 mins)


  • Junior Ju jitsu
  • Adult Ju jitsu


  • Warms up juniors - 10mins
  • Warm-up adults 10 to 15min
  • General run around the mat from a slow start building up with the different exercise's chosen, aerobic and anaerobic exercises and leading to core strengthening exercises for specific techniques.
  • Hand eye coordination exercise's, throwing & catching, jumping, dodging.


  • Demonstrate the technique repeated as necessary to all students.
  • Students to practice until comfortably that the techniques is safe to learn and have a deeper understanding of the technique.
  • Show variations on techniques to the ability of the of different students.

Free play:

  • Games- Bulldog, Randori, Ground fighting, Sparring

Cool down:


  • Review the session what went well and what didn't go well.
  • Pre-frame the next class
  • Review with class instructors





Poole Ju jitsu has specialised in martial arts since 1987 and is a leading academy for teaching Juniors & Adults.

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