
Over the past few years our coaches have kept their professional development on track and we are looking forward to new coaches at the club coming through attending the SOUTH WEST & WALES 26th / 27th OCTOBER EXETER, DEVON.

Senior coach – Sensei Andy Walker 6th Dan – Level 4 coaching qualification

Assistant Coach – Sensei Claudia Robinson 1st Dan- Level 2 coaching qualification

Assistant Coach – Sensei Karen Nuttall 1st Dan – Level 2 coaching qualification

Assistant coach – Sensei Wendy Llewellyn 1st Dan – Level 2 coaching qualification

In-house coaching

Layla Ellis-Riahi

Madi Ward

Milly Garnett

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End of an era

We are coming to the end of our residency at Stanley Green Road, which was our home for the last fifteen years. But now we have a new opportunity looking to the future for Poole Ju jitsu.

We have secured a new training venue in Hamworthy at the supreme gym. We close our doors on 27th July and reopen at our new venue on Tuesday 3rd September.

Venue address- Supreme Gym, 565 Blandford Rd, BH16 5BW

Training times will remain the same –

Junior’s- 18.00 till 19.15 Tuesdays & Thursdays

Adults-19.30 till 20.45 Tuesdays and Thursdays


I thank you all for the continuing support over the years keeping PJJC at the forefront of Ju jitsu in Poole

Sensei Andy Walker

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End of an Era

Sensei Wendy Llewellyn Retires After Two Decades of Dedication to Poole Ju Jitsu Club

In a heartfelt farewell to a remarkable era, Sensei Wendy Llewellyn has officially retired from her role at Poole Ju Jitsu Club, marking more than 20 years of steadfast commitment. Serving as the Child Welfare Officer and Assistant Instructor, Sensei Wendy has been an integral part of the club’s growth and success.

Wendy’s journey at the club began as a supportive parent, bringing her daughter to the club. Witnessing her daughter’s progression to an impressive 2nd Dan, Wendy’s own martial arts journey unfolded. Achieving a 1st Dan herself, she seamlessly transitioned from a dedicated parent to an influential figure within the club.

Throughout her years with us, Sensei Wendy has given her time freely on the mat, supporting students to achieve their goals. As an Assistant Instructor, Sensei Wendy’s guidance and expertise have played a pivotal role in shaping the skills and character of countless students, young and old alike. In addition, in her role as Child Welfare Officer she has been dedicated to the well-being and safety of the young practitioners, fostering an environment where every member felt supported and valued.

Reflecting on her retirement, Sensei Wendy expressed gratitude for the enriching experiences and lifelong connections she forged at Poole Ju Jitsu Club. She emphasised the joy of witnessing both children and adults grow not just as martial artists but as individuals with enhanced discipline and resilience.

Sensei Wendy’s last training session saw club members past and present come to show their thanks and to wish her well. The atmosphere was filled with gratitude and admiration as she was presented with tokens of appreciation for her contributions to the club.

As Sensei Wendy embarks on a new chapter, Poole Ju Jitsu Club remains indebted to her for over two decades of unwavering dedication, leaving an indomitable imprint on the hearts of those she mentored and inspired.

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Poole Jujitsu heads to the East Coast

The East Coast Jujitsu Course and Championships in Skegness on November 4th saw a significant gathering of high-grade instructors from various regions across the UK, including Poole Jujitsu Club’s Sensei Andy Walker, 6th Dan, who was accompanied by Sensei Karen Nuttall, 1st Dan. They played pivotal roles right from the start as they opened the event with a captivating demonstration of throwing techniques. Following the demonstration, they took to the mat to teach the junior members imparting valuable skills.

Sensei Andy and Sensei Karen’s involvement didn’t stop there. They took on the roles of officiating at the afternoon competition. Their presence and active engagement highlighted their commitment to the Jujitsu community and their dedication to nurturing the next generation of martial artists.

Among the standout achievements at the event was the remarkable performance of junior member Reuben from Poole Jujitsu Club. Reuben’s skills and determination earned him two gold medals in Continuous Fighting and Ground Fighting. His accomplishments were a testament to the promising talent emerging within the world of Jujitsu.

The East Coast Jujitsu Course and Championships were a celebration of unity within the Jujitsu community, offering a platform for practitioners of all levels to demonstrate their passion and dedication to this martial art. It was a huge success and we look forward to returning next year.

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6th Dan awarded

At the British Ju jitsu Championships presentation night, Sensei Walker was awarded his 6th Dan by Sensei Paul Geoghegan 9th Dan in front the celebrating instructors, officials and the BJJA GB Committee.

Yet another excellent BJJA(GB) National Championships this weekend was topped off, as usual, with our awards dinner at which our high Dan grades are bestowed. Pictured here on the left is Andy Walker of Poole Bushido Club. Andy probably puts more miles in than anyone to attend events and is a shining example to all. Andy is now a very well deserved 6th Dan. On the right is Bushido Barnoldswick’s very own Richard Asbery. Richard began his jujitsu journey in 1976 as a young boy and has toiled relentlessly to this day to reach the dizzy heights of 8th Dan. Both these fine gentlemen continue to train regularly and diligently despite serving many decades and are two of the best role models any aspiring martial artist could possibly have. Well done chaps. It’s a pleasure to know you and an honour to train with you.

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Junior Black Belt Grading

Poole Ju jitsu successfully had its first Junior black belt grading at the weekend with Sensei Walker travelling up to Bushido Ju Jitsu headquarters. The successful candidate has been training over the last four months purely on her black belt syllabus.

In the run up to the grading she trained four times a week with female instructor Sensei Karen Nuttall, who pushed the junior candidate each week. This showed during the grading, held under Professor Paul Geoghegan 9th Dan who commented that this was one of the best junior gradings he’s conducted. The judging panel, Sensei Phil Rhodes 7th Dan and Sensei Robert Hope 6th Dan also commented that it was a very good grading.

The Uki’s were Sensei Jay Jones 3rd Dan, Sensei Aaron Abidi 1st Dan, both Wings Bushido, and James Windell  1st Dan – Clone Bushido

Successful grading

Professor Paul Geoghagen 9th Dan with junior blackbelt


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Poole Ju jitsu has specialised in martial arts since 1986 and is a leading academy for teaching Juniors & Adults.

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