Poole Ju jitsu attended the 14th Kokoro Kai & Wakarishin Ju jitsu Championships held in Southend-on-Sea on Saturday 7th May 2022.

Eight members travelled to one of the biggest Ju jitsu competitions in the country and what a weekend it was. Junior members were Layla, Adam, Timur, Omina & Abdulloh and with Adult attends were Adam & Sensei Karen (best Uki ever) with Sensei Walker (absolutely best Uki ever).

The course was officially opened by Sensei Mark Fitzgerald and boasted guest instructors and officials from around the UK, Belgium and the United States. The course was a three hour delight with the various instructors teaching on eight packed out mats. After lunch the main event was eagerly underway.

The competition categories which the Poole members entered were Sumo, Ground Fighting, Pairs Demo, Random Attacks & Continuous Fighting.

Little Layla had two categories and while winning one of her bouts didn’t managed to pick up a medal, however she fought well. Next up was young Adam who had to compete against some great talent and was so unlucky at not picking up a medal. Brother & sister duo Omina & Abdulloh competed in the pairs demonstration and managed to gain a bronze medal for a great display. Omina also picked up a bronze medal in ground fighting – a category she’s determined to improve on at the British Championships. Our next medal winner was Timur who took a bronze medal in ground fighting, Timur also won two bouts in the continuous fighting but couldn’t continue due to losing a gum shield. Adult Member Adam won his first round in random attacks but was unfortunately unable to secure a medal this time round. Poole Ju jitsu took 3 bronze medals with six members so overall a great result.

The next major competition is the British Championships in September so the team will be focused on beating the medal tally with some targeted competition training for all those who wish to enter. After that it’ll be the United Nations Championships in Belgium.



One Comment In This Topic

  1. Really good show Poole JuJitsu. Always well represented and warmly welcomed where they go to

two × four =


Poole Ju jitsu has specialised in martial arts since 1987 and is a leading academy for teaching Juniors & Adults.

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