Poole Ju jitsu 25th Anniversary celebrations

The club celebrated in style in with an intermate celebration with club members enjoying champagne ( Prosecco ) nibbles and lots of laughs.

Juniors, Adults & family members indulged the evenings entertainment, speeches and honoured the winners of the 25th club awards winners of the evening.

We have created a lot of memories over the past 25 years here in Poole.

Lots of members coming and going, few staying.

Sensei Walker made a speech to the audience and went on to say,  “We celebrated our 20th anniversary on 21st October 2017, but started in 1997 in Turlin moor, we quickly grew and opened a second venue at Upton Community centre, we closed Turlin moor & opened at the scout’s hall in Beccles close, Hamworthy until we settled here on Stanley Green Road in 2010.This year has been an exciting one. We’ve had a thrilling trip to Gibraltar which ending up in a sightseeing tour of Europe. Three of our juniors were graded by Sensei Tony Joaquin in Gibraltar. This year we have had a lot of success especially in competitions this year with the 4 medals from Southend-on-sea, then 12 medals at the British championships & 15 medals at the United Nations competitions. So, this year, we can boast more champions at the club than ever before. Ju jitsu isn’t easy, it’s not supposed to be, sometimes it’s not always enjoyable, most of the time it’s not even rewarding, generally it’s frustrating, most of the time I question why I choose this sport. But whatever sporting activity we choose, its what we make it. We have our award presentations now, most are for fun, some serious, but it’s a little reflection on how I feel about doing Ju jitsu.

The winners of the evening were

Sarah Ellis Best supporting parent
Nick Pazienti Best club Uki
Dean Knapman I Pinned sensei down
Graham Goldsmith I conquered the stamp throw
George Pearce Lock down was good for me
Hayden Asgba Always late award
Owen Bleasdale Most awesome attitude
Jack Ellis-Riahi Best attendance
Eddy Knapman Best consistent sportsman
Karen Nuttall Best Uki ever (As voted by the Gib 1)
Claudia Robinson Exceptional achievement
Wedny Llewellyn Little warriors Master
Daisy Hall Best consistent sportswoman
Layla Ellis-Riahi Sensei best kata
Madi Ward Best female competition winner
Abudulloh Yusopva Best male competition winner
Timur Caplanvos Best role model of the year
Rosie Goldsmith Junior Best female student of the year
Daisy Hope-Storrie Most improved student of the year
Omina Yusopva Students vote Best female student of the year
Jaiden Mayne Students vote Best male student of the year
Louisa Hayward Female student of the year
Leon James Male student of the year


9 + eight =


Poole Ju jitsu has specialised in martial arts since 1987 and is a leading academy for teaching Juniors & Adults.

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